Warning - non-snarky post so if you want just the snark, bug off and come back later.
It's a boy!

So kiddo #2 is a boy. At first I was not excited about this. We already have a girl. I have sisters. My husband has brothers. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
Also, I've known so many guys who are such dinks that it scared me we'd have one of those. Women can be awful too, no question. I've just known more women I've liked and have an easier time connecting with them. So what do I do with a little boy? Also, the whole snip issue is NOT something I've ever looked forward to having to decide for another person. I'd be happy to go with whatever Mr. Bijnkles wants, but I hate that we have to make that decision for him.
After thinking it over a lot though, I'm actually pretty happy that we're having a boy. It will be fun to see what differences and similarities there are between the two. Also, when everyone describes a typical boy toddler, I think they're talking about my daughter, so I'm curious to know if the boy will be like that as well. I've also heard that boys are sweet on their moms while girls tend to be daddy's girls. Elliott is definitely daddy's little girl, so maybe the boy will dig his mum!
So far pregnancy still sux and I can't wait to be done - just like last time. This time though I am a bit happier about the whole thing in that I have a slight clue about what to expect and after this one, we are sooo done and I never have to be pregnant again. Also, having Elliott around gives perspective into why we go through this and why I essentially give up my body to a wee little parasite that eats my food, messes with my hormones and makes me into a miserable wretch much of the time: she's the sweetest little badger I've ever met and there are few days that she doesn't make me laugh and smile so much that my face hurts. When she laughs it's just ridiculous how much it makes everything worth it. So we did it again and in late April, we will get to meet the little monkey who is the reason I wasn't able to enjoy a good pint while in London.