10 Miles o' Fun! *UPDATE! Now with Picture!!*

That's my little by-line from the Crim
10 mile race on Saturday. There were
8,000 people running in the race total!
Mother of shit! There were 500 some in
my age group. And of course there were
some crazy Kenyan's who ran it in 48
minutes without even breaking a sweat.
I had a good race. I had my i-pod on
with a great mix o'tunes starting with
Whatta man by Salt n Pepa. I cruised along at a nice easy pace for the first 5 miles to the likes of Kielbasa by Tenacious D, Cypress Hill's Jump Around, and the inimitable (sp?!?) Richard Cheese telling me to "Shake my Ass." I grabbed water from the sidelines regularly and once I even grabbed a small beer! After mile 5 I felt so good I decided to change my pitch up, slap my bitch up, and pick up the pace a little and I finished the second half of the race much faster than the first, and even had a kick at the end! It felt great! I'll get a picture of sweaty, but happy, me when I finally figure out how to get the pix out of my phone and onto the computer. (You mean the pictures are IN my PHONE?!?!)