Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Dr. Tran
many many thanks to kato for introducing me to this!!!!!!!
jege gal
Make your own:

Thanks to Whoorl ( ) for the link!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
This just in:
The movie "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" kicked ass.
I will admit, I had my doubts after reading some reviews of it, but with the exception of a couple slow, overly-dramatic lapses, it was a fiendishly clever, delightfully witty romp. I've never liked Val Kilmer more. Plus, Robert Downey, jr. is just, well, HOT.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
Does not compute
It occurred to me this morning that I have been using computers for twenty-eight years of my life. TWENTY-FUCKING-EIGHT. That's longer than some of you have been alive.
It started in grade school, where we quickly learned how to write the following Basic program:
10 print "fuck you"
20 goto 10
Hahahahaha! Isn't that a good one? The teacher would discover the computer screen printing "fuck you" ad infinitum, and throw a fit. She'd have to shut the whole thing off to even get it to stop.
Okay, I have to get back to my current computer, as it does not like hearing about other computers from my past. But feel free to add your own early computing stories here.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Happy 666 !

In honor of 6/6/6, I'd like to recount the day that I purchased a copy of Anton Lavey's "The Satanic Bible", for the sole purpose of freaking out my parents (I was in high school, maybe 9th or 10th grade).
Like any good teenaged malcontent living in Minot, North Dakota, I went to the mall. I located the book at, where else, B.-fucking-Dalton's. Yes, deep in the god-fearing northern plains, I managed to find the Satanic freaking Bible at a mainstream bookstore. A bookstore sandwiched between The Swiss Colony (mmm!! Free cheese and sausage samples!! Even Goths have to eat, you know!!), and the Hallmark Gift store, proud retailer of the entire line of "Precious Moments" figurines and the most extensive collection of inspirational plaques I have seen to this day.
Then I went to Orange Julius, and thumbed through my sinister purchase in the food court.
As for freaking out my parents, they never even batted an eye, goddamned hippie intellectualist psychotherapists. If I really wanted to freak their shit out, I should have just declared that I was a fundamentalist republican.